Posts Tagged ‘free’

Like An Extra Income Working In Your Free Time ?

October 27, 2012
Like An Extra Income Working In Your Free Time ?

This is a simple job, you will be your own boss, working a little part-time business online in your free time.

There is nothing hard about doing this, anyone can do it; provided you really want to work.  This is ideal if you are already marketing online. This work will allow you to promote all your existing online businesses.

What this entails; You will be learning to create you own simple web page with minimal training, you will learn on a need to know basis an I will personally train you and support you.

This is not free, it will cost you just under two dollars a week. Where can you get your own business for this? For me to be able to help you I need to get paid, I’m sure you do not work for nothing.  So how do I earn my money and still keep your cost below two dollars a week.  Answer; I get you to pay 3 years in advance.   I earn commissions from the web hosting company you are going to join. This allows me to earn $150 for my time.

Now when you learn this system you will earn $150 a time and if you teach 3 people a week this simple system, you too can earn multiples of $150.00 a time.  If you were to sign 5 people a week you would earn $750.00 a week.

Now if you really want to learn this simple system, please go and read my article and follow the link.

Eventually this will lead you to my contact information. If you make a note of any questions you may have along the way, you can contact me and ask me questions;  I will give you the answers you need.

Please now read the article The Real Truth Behind Making Good Money Online.

How To Succeed With Marketing

March 6, 2009

Some things you need to know in order to succeed in sales

Everyone Is Trying To Make Money Online. 

 The very first thing you need is a good opportunity that you have and have thoroughly investigated. Something that you know in your heart you can commit to in the long term.

The next important issue is knowing your product or service. You need to be able to answer with confidence any question you are asked. You also need to guide people to the internet page where they can get more information if they feel they need to. You only need to send them to this page if they ask for it or if you cannot fully answer their questions.

Don’t try to sell or oversell the product or service. The best question to ask is; Is there any reason you would not purchase service/product name?

Most people will not purchase a product or service immediately because they may have a few concerns. If you know why they are not joining or purchasing you can answer these concerns and they will join your program or purchase your product or service there and then.

Note; They do not need a mountain of information to go through before they have signed onboard because this will cause them some initial confusion and may raise more questions and delay a purchase or stop them from signing up altogether.

All necessary information can be provide after they join.

You as an affiliate or agent for your program need someone in the organization you can go to immediately by telephone if you cannot answer a question or close a sale.

Autoresponder cannot answer questions this is why I don’t use them. People like to deal with people and when people are interested in your web page program most will buy know when the interest is high.

Believe it or not after receiving a load of autoresponder message most people have lost interest or could not be bothered reading the messages.

A good advertisement in a local paper or on a web page will get you more sales than any autoresponder ever will.

People purchase from people more than the product. If people do no know the product they only purchase it if they have confidence in the person who is doing the sale.

My advise is to advertise everywhere you can every day and be available to answer email or telephone contacts quickly as you can. And only answer questions asked. Ask for the sale there and then.

I often sign people to my programs over the telephone on my own computer just from asking the answers to the questions on the sign up form.

If people don’t buy then be polite and contact them a few days later when their sub conscious mind has clarified what you told them.

Read this article before joining and new programs.

More advise and good affiliate programs to join. 
